Gwynedd Mercy University Colleges

College of Arts, Sciences & Professional Studies

College of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies

Prepare for a lifetime of achievement

When you choose Gwynedd Mercy University’s College of Arts, Sciences & Professional Studies, you’re choosing one of the best universities in Pennsylvania to pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree in the fields of arts, sciences, business, and education. Be sure to explore our 4+1 programs that allow you to earn a bachelor's and master's degree with significant savings in time and tuition!

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Frances M. Maguire College of Nursing and Health Professions

Serve the global community

For more than 60 years, The Frances M. Maguire College of Nursing and Health Professions at Gwynedd Mercy University has been a leader in nursing education in Pennsylvania. With expert faculty, more than 200 regional healthcare affiliations, and state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with patient simulators and real-time video capture, you will learn to address the complex patient and family needs of the 21st century.

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Student Success Center

University College

The support you need for a successful college experience

When you embark on your educational journey at GMercyU, you will have access to the support you need to achieve your personal, academic, and professional goals, including free one-on-one tutoring and advising, career support, and more.

Explore the College

Meet GMercyU Faculty

GMercyU's small classes enable our faculty to not only know you by name, but to help mentor you through your college journey.

At GMercyU, there are no teaching assistants. Our professors are experts in their respective fields. 

Meet Faculty