Religious Studies Minor

Gaining a solid foundation in religion can help you better understand the choices people make and why they make them, making you more culturally competent and empathetic.
It can also build solid ethical reasoning skills and offer the opportunity for personal reflection.

Earn a Religious Studies minor by:

  • Completing 18 credits
  • Completing all prerequisites for the required and elective courses
  • Earning a minimum grade of C in each course; C- grades are not acceptable



RS200 Encountering Sacred Writings
RS 111 History of Christianity
RS 231 Bioethics

Select one of the following:
RS 105 Life & Meaning of Jesus
RS 120 Contemporary Moral Problems

Select one of the following:
RS 241 Theology of Suffering
RS 256 Christian Feminism

Select one of the following:
RS 115 World Religions
RS 160 Religions in America

Compatible Majors
All undergraduate degrees 


See all Minors here.