Graduate Tuition & Fees

Click your program below to view 2025-2026 tuition and fees.

Business (Master's)  |  Counseling (Master's)  |  Education (Master's & Non-Doctorate Certification)  |  Education (Post-Master's & Doctorate)  |  Nursing (Master's, Post-Master's Certificates)  |  Nursing (DEMSN)  |  Occupational Therapy (Master's)  |  Public Health (Master's)  |  Speech-Language Pathology (Pre-Requisite & Master's) 


Business (Online Master's)

TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Master of Business (MBA) - per credit


Course Fee Part-Time - Per credit hour

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


Other Fees That May Apply To You

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.

Acceptance Deposit - Non-refundable but applied to tuition $100

Graduation Fee

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony. 

Late Fee - per class
Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.


Counseling (Online Master's)

TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Master of Science in Counseling Program - per credit


Course Fee Part-Time - Per credit hour

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


Other Fees That May Apply To You

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.

Acceptance Deposit - Non-refundable but applied to tuition


Graduation Fee

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony. 

Late Fee - per class
Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee $50
Supervision Assist Fee  $244

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.


Education (Online Master's & Post Master's Certifications)

TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Master of Science in Education Programs - per credit

Post Master's Certification Programs - per credit

Per credit rates based on whether the course is offered at the master’s-level or the doctoral-level.

$784 - $1,182 


Course Fee Part-Time - Per credit hour

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


Other Fees That May Apply To You

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.

Acceptance Deposit - Post Baccalaureate & Master's Programs - Non-refundable but applied to tuition


Student Teaching Fee


Graduation Fee

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony. 

Late Fee - per class
Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee $50

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.


Education (Doctorate)


TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Doctorate in Education - per credit


Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.

Course Fee Part-Time - Per credit hour

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


Other Fees That May Apply To You

 Acceptance Deposit - Doctorate in Education - non-refundable


Graduation Fee

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony.  

Late Fee - per class
Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee $50

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.


Nursing (Online Master's, Post-Master's Certificates)

*No longer accepting new students for the online master’s in nursing programs*

TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Master of Science in Nursing Programs - per credit
Post Master's Nurse Practitioner Certificate - per credit


Comprehensive Fee Part-Time - Per credit hour

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


Other Fees That May Apply To You

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.

Compliance and Immunization Management

Nursing & Health Professions students will pay this fee directly to the vendor.
$225 - $300

Nurse Practitioner Nursing Fee - per semester

$22 is for Exam Soft and $53 is for Medatrax documentation system.

Late Fee - per semester
Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee $50
Malpractice Insurance for Post-Master’s Nurse Practitioner Certificate

Students pay this fee directly to their Nursing RN malpractice insurance.

Graduation Fee

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony.  


Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.


Nursing (DEMSN)

TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Direct Entry Master of Science in Nursing - per credit $830


Comprehensive Fee Full-Time - Per Semester- if taking between 12-18 credits

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


Other Fees That May Apply To You

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.

Acceptance Deposit - DEMSN - Non-refundable but applied to tuition

Compliance and Immunization Management

Nursing & Health Professions students will pay this fee directly to the vendor.
$225 - $300

DEMSN Nursing ATI Fee 

NUR 501, NUR 520, NUR 544, NUR 545, NUR 584


DEMSN Nursing Exam Soft Fee

NUR 501, NUR 545


Hurst Review Nursing Fee

NUR 584

Graduate Parking Permit  $35
Late Fee - per semester
Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee $50

Graduation Fee

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony.  


Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.


Occupational Therapy (On-Campus Master's) 


TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy - per credit


Comprehensive Course Fee - Per credit hour

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


Other Fees That May Apply To You

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.

Acceptance Deposit - MSOT - Non-refundable but applied to tuition


MSOT Application through OTCAS

Base fee paid to OTCAS for first designation ($65 as an additional designation) for students who apply via OTCAS


MSOT Program Fee - per term

Includes Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Fee, American Occupational Therapy Association Fee, and other program-related fees.

Graduate Parking Permit $35
Late Fee - per semester
Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee $50

Graduation Fee

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony.  


Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.


Public Health (Online Master's) 
*No longer accepting students*

TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Master of Public Health - per credit $784


Comprehensive Fee - Per credit

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


Other Fees That May Apply To You

Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.

Master of Public Health Program Fee - Fall semester

Late Fee - per semester

Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee


Graduation Fee

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony.  


Please consult the Graduate Catalog for additional information on specific course-related fees that may apply to you.


Speech-Language Pathology (Pre-Requisite & Hybrid Master's)

TUITION - 2025-2026 Rates are Effective August 15, 2025

Speech-Language Pathology Master's Program - per credit

Speech-Language Pathology Pre-requisite Program - per credit $410

Part-time Comprehensive Fee - Per credit

The comprehensive fee contributes toward the costs of providing computer/technology access, health and wellness services, activities, use of facilities, and the other academic and student resources generally available to all students.


SLP Master's Program Acceptance Deposit - Non-refundable but applied to tuition


Graduation Fee 

The graduation fee covers a portion of the costs associated with the University commencement events, including the cost of diploma printing, maintaining your academic records indefinitely, regalia, and all other administrative processes related to graduation. The graduation fee is payable in the semester the graduation application is completed. The fee must be paid by all graduating students whether or not you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony.

Graduate Parking Permit $35
Late Payment Fee - per semester $100
Returned Payment/Bad Check Fee $50


Tuition Refund Policy

Review Gwynedd Mercy University's Refund Policy for term programs here and for non-term programs here. Please see the University's official Withdrawal Policy in the Graduate Catalog.

*Non-University Fees in the Other Fees That May Apply to You are subject to change. 

Tuition Insurance

GMercyU has partnered with GradGuard to offer students tuition insurance. Learn more here.