Jamaica Summer Service Trip 

In July 2024, students and faculty in our graduate and undergraduate Public Health program, as well as Psychology program, traveled to Kingston, Jamaica to work with the Mustard Seed communities, an international nonprofit organization that provides care to vulnerable populations.
There, students led health education sessions with adolescent new mothers and teens living with HIV. Students had prepared their educational programs during the Public Health/Psychology spring elective, Promoting Global Health Through Service. They addressed topics such as coping with and reducing stress, healthy relationships, preventing sexually transmitted diseases, prenatal and postnatal health, infant feeding, and child development. On the final day, students hosted a baby shower, giving gifts collected through the service project of Sigma Phi Sigma, the National Mercy Honor Society.

Students and faculty also worked with children with disabilities and other Jamaicans who made indelible impressions on them, and they found time to explore the culture and beauty of Jamaica.
Check out the videos and photos below for more!