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- Manny Clark, MBA
Manny Clark, MBA
Accounting 2023, 2024

Current Position: Staff Accountant at GMercyU
Story Last Updated: Summer 2024
Manny Clark is a 2019 graduate of Pottsgrove High School. He was recruited for the Men’s Basketball team by Head Coach John Baron, and also had some friends on the team.
“Basketball and the 4+1 MBA program for my major were what sold me. It also wasn’t too far from home, and my big cousin graduated from GMercyU years ago,” Manny said.
On campus, Manny was a member of the Men’s Basketball team and served as coach and referee for intramural basketball games.
Basketball is what really drew me in, but I liked the location as well as the places around the school. It’s also a nice campus and the dorms were great.
Experience in Accounting
“I like math and I took an accounting class in high school that sold me. My father majored in finance when he was in college, so he put me onto accounting,” Manny said.
Manny enjoyed his time in the program and described it as a “cool journey,” expressing that the professors were helpful and understanding.
Several professors that stood out to Manny were Dr. Harper, Professor Bruce, Professor Silvesti, and Dr. Russ.
Manny attended the Accounting Career Fair where he connected with about six or seven different firms. His biggest piece of advice is to “just be yourself when meeting and interviewing. That will get you far.”
Being a Student-Athlete
It was a fun experience. Fellow students came to watch and support each other at games. The workers at the Café and the Pep were also fans of the athletes and congratulated us on our wins and accomplishments.
Throughout his whole life Manny has been an athlete, playing football, basketball, and track-and-field, all while playing an instrument and earning a spot on the Honor Roll each year. Balancing his extracurriculars and school work was no new task to him. Manny found that his newfound freedom in college made the balance even easier. He still excelled in his classes, earning a spot on the Dean’s List each semester, while also shining on the basketball court.
Manny completed his collegiate career with 1,110+ points, hitting the 1,000 point mark in a 22 point game in 2024, 435+ rebounds, 160+ assists, and 120+ steals. He earned the titles of Male Scholar Athlete in 2023, First-Team All-League in 2023, and All City of Basketball Love 4th Team in 2023.
Why GMercyU?
“Great school and academic programs. Great athletic programs with nice facilities and fields. It’s a great university with nice dorms, easy parking, and a great social aspect,” Manny said. “And, just a shout out to the faculty and staff who I cam across through my journey. From the coaches, to the trainers, to the janitors, I appreciate them all!”
Manny graduated with his Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree in May 2023 and completed his Master of Business Administration degree in May 2024. He now works as a Staff Accountant at GMercyU.