Mathematics Minor
Many careers in the STEM fields, health professions, and finance industry value strong math and problem-solving skills.
Earn a mathematics minor by:
- Completing 19 credits
- Completing all prerequisites for the required and elective courses
- Earning a minimum grade of C in each course; C- grades are not acceptable
MTH 245 Calculus I
MTH 246 Calculus II
MTH Elective
MTH Elective
MTH Elective
MTH Elective or PHY 241
Choose 12 elective credits from the following:
MTH 231 Discrete Mathematics
MTH 234 Probability and Statistics
MTH 235 Linear Algebra
MTH 261 Programming for Math
MTH301 Multivariable Calculus
MTH 302 Differential Equations
MTH 303 College Geometry
MTH 304 Number Theory
MTH 305 Sets, Relations and Functions
MTH 401 Abstract Algebra
MTH 407 Probability Theory
MTH 437 Special Topics
PHY 241 General Physics
Compatible Majors
- Accounting
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Digital Communications
- Education
- Finance
- Management
- Marketing
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Sport Management